The metaverse of The DeadSafe is a universe where peoples are living through in total freedom. The government of the metaverse is called "DogeGov" and is runned by a famous anonym person: Satoshi.
Satoshi build a anarchic society centered on the personnal freedom. The metaverse is a place where you can be who you want to be and how you want. The world is managed and ruled by the peoples for the peoples using Ethereum Smart Contract by voting on the propositions of the government and the peoples.
The most important thing in the metaverse is the freedom. The peoples are free to do what they want. The only thing that is forbidden is to harm other peoples. The metaverse is a place where you can be who you want to be and how you want.
In the DeadSafe Metaverse, there is many kind of peoples. Because you can live how you want. You can find many great peoples. But you can also find some bad peoples. The metaverse is a place where you can be who you want to be and how you want. So do not be surprised to find some Karen around the corner !
Meta City is a city in the DeadSafe universe. It is the home of the DeadSafe Project, and the location of the DeadSafe HQ. In the universe of The DeadSafe, MetaCity is the most important city of the universe. You can find many great location as "[The Dead's Hand](../../04.the-safe/" one of the most big Casino in the DeadSafe universe.
If you plan to visit the metaverse, you should visit MetaCity. You can take time to visit the casino and take a walk through the great streets of the city. Explore the history with some knights who say nahat your side. Or just take a walk in the park and enjoy the view of the city.
But at all cost, stay away from Bright Future. It is a place where you can find some bad peoples. And you don't want to be in trouble with them. Especially if you don't want to be contaminated by some curious substances...